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activity center architecture design and branding

design by an architect and a graphic designer



North Forge Studio

Activity Center Design
Brand Identity & Art Direction


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A space created from the relics of the past. Based on tales of medieval fantasy comes a studio that crafts replica costumes and weaponry. More than blacksmiths, it offers literature about the medieval period and an area for swordsmanship and duelling. The famed fireplace acts as a place of gathering, a hearth in the north that sits between towering mountains, and the bitter winds of the ocean. 

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Built on the idea of a collective space, the open plan design gives a sense of comradery. The fireplace acts as a symbolic centre point, each chamber filtering out from this central hub. The roof emulates the texture and form of dragon hide, the natural geometry of their skin calling for multiple openings to be included, allowing a homogeneous diffusion of the light. Korten metal is used for its construction, with a complex wooden structure supporting it below.




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Inspired by metal, fire and fantasy, the branding embraces a more modern approach to the much loved mythological tales we encounter. The angular logo projects a sense of metal work and sharpness, emblazed with the colour of flames and ores. Whilst the icon pay homage to the impressive exterior of the studio. A minimal pattern was constructed to replicate the tiling of the roof; this can be applied to a series of different applications. Fire quickly became a signature it North Forge's branding, for its dynamic form and sense of power.




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A monumental hearth as you enter the space, it faces the entrance and boasts a dominating demeanour. Though it is towering, it is also welcoming, it invites patrons to its fireside and facilitates group gatherings.




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A library that houses a collection of stories that detail the triumphs and tribulations of the dark ages. A main shelf divides the middle of the room, one side sits a few cosy alcoves to perch in, while the other side hosts a reading bar facing a full glass window.

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The workshop centres around a large stone table, sturdy and commanding. It is here that designs and historical replicas come to live again. On one side of the room sits a large storage unit to allow convenience when working.

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The gallery honors the great arts and crafts forged on site. An inspiration to visitors and a showcase of North Forge's most distinguished work.


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The outdoor arena sits behind the studio; it opens out into a vats seafront. It is here that patrons gather for duels and re-enactments.


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